My Reflection To Making Spaghetti Bolognese

Just a disclaimer: This post is about the dish I made for my food class. I chose to make spaghetti bolognese. My peer was Ruby, and together we made a slideshow and our dish and now i’m posting my reflection.

What did I learn about my country? Was there anything that surprised me? I actually learned alot about this country. I learnt that Rome (the capital of Italy) is over 2000 years old. I was surprised to find out that Pinocchio was first written about, there in Italy.

What went well for you individually?
Being able to finish the work on time as the person I was working with helped out and wasn’t a distraction. I also enjoyed making the dish as I got to cook the mince and it was delicious!

What went well for your group?
We both worked together on an equal amount of slides, so we both had something to do and no one was sitting out. Also cooking went well, me and ruby worked together to put together our dish of spaghetti bolognese. It ran smoothly except for the stupid can of crushed tomatoes.

What didn’t go well or what could have gone better?
Nothing went wrong, but something that could have gone better…. Is the can opener. It took about 10 minutes to actually open the can of tomatoes so we finished our dish a little late… (don’t buy them unless you have a good can opener)