Beach Clean Up:

On tuesday the 21st of November, me and all the other year 9s went to the beach to help clean up rubbish. I was honestly shocked by how much stuff there really was just left there, floating around. But we spent the morning working together and picking up rubbish. We got a whole truck filled, overflowing with trash left at the beach. The teachers had made it a competition, where they split us into groups and made us try to find more rubbish than each other. It was a great method as every ran off and came back with bags full. Some of the things me and my group found were, a suitcase, a chair, a chest, a golfball and lots of other bits and bobs. When we were just having time enjoying the beach, me and my friends found 2 baby crabs! sadly one was dead. afterwards we brought all the rubbish up to the trucks and loaded it on. Then we came back to school and celebrated with some kai. I’m glad we were able to help make the community just a little bit better. If picking up rubbish can help make earth better, then i’m glad we could achieve that much.

Here are some photos that were taken of us helping at the beach!:

My Reflection To Making Spaghetti Bolognese

Just a disclaimer: This post is about the dish I made for my food class. I chose to make spaghetti bolognese. My peer was Ruby, and together we made a slideshow and our dish and now i’m posting my reflection.

What did I learn about my country? Was there anything that surprised me? I actually learned alot about this country. I learnt that Rome (the capital of Italy) is over 2000 years old. I was surprised to find out that Pinocchio was first written about, there in Italy.

What went well for you individually?
Being able to finish the work on time as the person I was working with helped out and wasn’t a distraction. I also enjoyed making the dish as I got to cook the mince and it was delicious!

What went well for your group?
We both worked together on an equal amount of slides, so we both had something to do and no one was sitting out. Also cooking went well, me and ruby worked together to put together our dish of spaghetti bolognese. It ran smoothly except for the stupid can of crushed tomatoes.

What didn’t go well or what could have gone better?
Nothing went wrong, but something that could have gone better…. Is the can opener. It took about 10 minutes to actually open the can of tomatoes so we finished our dish a little late… (don’t buy them unless you have a good can opener)

My Plants Slide Animation

My animation is a loop. The story is a guy planting a flower and then he wraps it up and gives it to someone. Then he replants them and then its a cycle. I made the animation by drawing the flower and removing the background of the hand photos from google. Some tips would be maybe moving things very little so it gives a more realistic feel. My question is guess how many slides I used.

Name Tag

Name Tags: 

I made my name tag with the curve pen. I would first draw my shape and then i’d colour it in. Then i’d duplicate it and make the one on top a darker colour. After that I pressed the order button and moved it to the back. I then repeated this process with all my letters then added a heart at the end


  1. I  was learning to use the curve pen to make my name
  2. I created a name tag
  3. Something I found challenging is moving the inside shapes to give dimension
  4. My top tips for using the curve tool are make sure you make the letter in one go and not multiple conjoined

About Me

We have been learning about how to create a positive digital footprint for ourselves. This is the place where I will share mahi that I am proud of.

Today, I have created: A drawing poster

I made it by: Adding safe information about myself 

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