Beach Clean Up:

On tuesday the 21st of November, me and all the other year 9s went to the beach to help clean up rubbish. I was honestly shocked by how much stuff there really was just left there, floating around. But we spent the morning working together and picking up rubbish. We got a whole truck filled, overflowing with trash left at the beach. The teachers had made it a competition, where they split us into groups and made us try to find more rubbish than each other. It was a great method as every ran off and came back with bags full. Some of the things me and my group found were, a suitcase, a chair, a chest, a golfball and lots of other bits and bobs. When we were just having time enjoying the beach, me and my friends found 2 baby crabs! sadly one was dead. afterwards we brought all the rubbish up to the trucks and loaded it on. Then we came back to school and celebrated with some kai. I’m glad we were able to help make the community just a little bit better. If picking up rubbish can help make earth better, then i’m glad we could achieve that much.

Here are some photos that were taken of us helping at the beach!:

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